Next meeting Leith Links Community Council, Monday 30 August 2021, 6:30pm online via Teams.

The next meeting of the Leith Links Community Council will be held on Monday 30 August 2021 at 6:30pm, online via Microsoft Teams.

Papers for the meeting can be found here:

1. Agenda for the meeting

2.LLCC MINUTES 28 June 2021 (draft until adopted at next week’s meeting).

(These are also stored for access at any time in our online Library.)

We have two speakers coming to this meeting.

Mr.Murray McAdam to talk about the Enterprise Car Club

Mr. Ross Woodside of Edinburgh and Lothians Greenspaces Trust, to talk about the results of the consultation about a proposed arboretum on Leith Links.

As always, our meetings are open to interested members of the public. If you wish to attend, please email and you will be sent an invitation / link for the meeting.

Public toilets empower our community

Seems everybody enjoyed our community picnic on Leith Links on Saturday (hurrah!). Yes, we were very lucky with the weather (phew!), but what actually made it possible was the public toilets.

You simply couldn’t organise any public event without toilets –  but only big commercial events can afford to buy in ‘portaloos’, not small community groups. So public toilets are not just vital for individuals, they are enabling and empowering for the community. A local community is a life force, not just a ‘place’. Feeling part of our community can help our mental health and well-being.

Thanks for our toilets, City of Edinburgh Council! (And thanks to Steven for manning them nobly on Saturday.) Please can we keep them?

Leith Links Community Council responds to City of Edinburgh Councils Leith Connections consultation on a Leith Low Traffic Neighbourhood

Leith Links Community Council has now submitted its response to the City of Edinburgh Councils Leith Connections consultation on their planned changes to how we move around Leith.Leith Connections

Our full response can be viewed by clicking here.

Previous website articles by us can be viewed by clicking here.



Annual Report 2020 / 2021

Once again we present to our community our Annual Report

With last year’s Annual General Meeting being delayed due to the ongoing global Covid-19 pandemic, our Annual Report this year covers the slightly shorter than usual period from Autumn 2020 to Summer 2021.

Throughout the last year we have kept you all updated with our work by posting information on our website & social media channels, as well as through our monthly public meetings but this Annual Report is an opportunity bring together some of those updates into one easy to access space.

Our Community Council continues to work hard for our local community and we welcome the opportunity to meet with and hear from as many people as possible. Please do come along to one of our meetings, virtual or in person, over the next year as we are here to represent the views of everyone in our community, not just the those who shout the loudest or come to the most meetings.

In this years annual report we have included reports on…

  • Chair & Secretary’s report
  • Travel & Mobility
  • Collaboration with other Community Councils
  • Our changing membership
  • Leith Chooses
  • Planning
  • Licensing
  • Leith Links Plus
  • Engagement Officer’s report

We’re sharing our annual report on our website, social media channels and in our quarterly e-newsletter but please do feel share our annual report with your friends, colleague and neighbours if you feel they would be interested.

2021, Annual Report, Community Council Annual, July, Leith Links Community Council

Still time to respond! Is the Leith Low Traffic Neighbourhood a good plan?

The consultation on the proposed Leith Low Traffic Neighbourhood has been extended until Sunday 11th July, so there is still time for you to have your say!

This is a very radical scheme – we’re not just talking about a few bollards, but about many roads within the heart of Leith being closed off to through traffic. How will that effect you and your visitors, access to public transport, shopping, taxis, deliveries, emergency vehicles? Can you walk and cycle everywhere? Where will the displaced traffic go instead?

Details of the scheme are here:

The actual survey can be found via the ‘Give us your feedback’ tab or here:

Or email your views to

It is very important that everybody says what they think, as the plan if implemented will have a major impact on the area and all who live and work here – not just those  ‘inside’ the proposed low traffic neighbourhood, but also – perhaps even more so – people who live around the perimeter of it.

Please send in your views by 11th July.



Next meeting of Leith Links Community Council, Monday 28 June 2021, 6:30pm via Teams.

The 2021 AGM and next meeting of the Leith Links Community Council will be held on Monday 28 June 2021 at 6:30pm, online via Microsoft Teams.

Papers for the meeting can be found here:

1. Agenda for AGM

2. Agenda for the meeting

3. LLCC AGM 2020 Minutes (draft until adopted)

4. LLCC MINUTES May 2021 (draft until adopted at next week’s meeting).

(These are also stored for access at any time in our online Library.)

The first part of the meeting will be the AGM, chaired by Councillor Adam McVey, and the second part of the meeting will be largely taken up with a presentation and question and answer session with officers of City of Edinburgh Council who are leading on the ‘Leith Connections’ initiative, proposing to create a new cycle route to Ocean Terminal, and a Leith Low Traffic Neighbourhood across the whole of north Leith, including Leith Links. Consultation on this scheme is currently live (until 4 July), so this will be a good chance to discuss the matter, and have your voice heard.

As always, our meetings are open to the public. If you wish to attend, please email and you will be sent an invitation / link for the meeting.

Low Traffic Neighbourhood – hunt for the buried survey!

Have you tried to register your comments yet, on the proposed Leith Low Traffic Neighbourhood? It is very important that everybody has their say, as the plan will have a major impact on the area and all who live and work here.

But actually FINDING the survey is easier said than done! A link is provided to the consultation as a whole:

BUT they have completely buried the link to the ‘Give us your Feedback’ section under layer after layer of background, project development, feedback from previous consultation, FAQ and all sorts of other bits and pieces of documentation and other links that can take you round and round in circles, getting more and more puzzled / frustrated….

Why, it’s almost like they didn’t really want people to find the survey and fill it in……

There is a real concern that some people may in fact NEVER find the actual survey bit – or even lose the will to live!

While we do advise everybody to read, ideally, all the background and explanation stuff, you may nonetheless find it useful to also have a link to the actual survey because it is so difficult to find!

Or you may get so annoyed by being ‘led’ on various points – or be short of time and/ or temper-  and might prefer to cut to the chase and give your views uninfluenced by all the preamble.

So here is the key link to the actual survey

Please respond by 4rth July

Leith Links Plus – ex bowling greens – Next meeting Monday 21st June

Since our last public meeting, a couple of things have happened:

  • the outside of the building has been painted  – shoutout of thanks to Councillor Chas Booth, who persuaded Council staff to do this.
  • we’ve heard that temporary public toilets are going to be installed beside the building (to access water and sewers)  – very soon!

2 articles have appeared in the Evening News last week:

To keep in the loop, please join a public meeting about the possible future of the ‘former bowling green area and building’ on Leith Links, at a Zoom meeting, 7pm, Monday 21 June.

Sign up there to attend,  via Eventbrite

You need to sign up by 4pm on Monday 2st and will receive the link at 5pm. If it’s not there by 6pm, check your spam, or email

Minutes of the last meeting here (coming soon)

Minutes of the first meeting here.

Draft Agenda for the meeting:

  1. Brief recap of legal restrictions affecting the area
  2. Feedback since last meeting
  3. Tour of new area of LLCC website
  4. Report from Working Group on Community Picnic
  5. Ideas and volunteers for community picnic
  6. Medium Term Aims – Refine list of proposals, community deliberation, explore skills and expertise available etc.
  7. Date of Next Meeting


Next meeting of Leith Links Community Council, Monday 31 May 2021, 6:30pm on Zoom

The next meeting of the Leith Links Community Council will be held on Monday 31st May 2021 at 6:30pm, online via Zoom.

  1. Agenda for the meeting
  2. LLCC MINUTES April 2021 (draft until adopted at next week’s meeting).

(These are also stored for access at any time in our online Library.)

There will be a short presentation by Mr. Murray McAdam of the Edinburgh Car Club. Other discussions will include the proposed Leith Low Traffic Neighbourhood, and other current issues around the Leith Links area., as time permits.

The meeting is open to interested members of the public. If you wish to attend, please email and you will be sent an invitation / link for the meeting.

Reminder – Meeting re Former Bowling Greens area, 17th May 7pm

Reminder – Please join a meeting about the possible future of the ‘former bowling green area and building’ on Leith Links, at a Zoom meeting, 7pm, Monday 17th May.

Sign up to attend via Eventbrite here:

You need to sign up by 4pm on Monday 17th and will receive the link at 5pm. If it’s not there by 6pm, check your spam, or email

We’re calling this campaign ‘Leith Links Plus’, Minutes of the previous (first ) meeting here.

Agenda for the meeting:

  1. Brief recap of legal restrictions affecting the area
  2. Feedback on previous meeting
  3. Update on ‘Ideas Bank’
  4. Draw up Short / Medium / Long term aims
  5. Set up Working Group to take these forward.
  6. Draft Short Term Aims –
  7. Ask Council for more bins and benches. Lighting? Also public barbecue area?
  8. Set up a Community Action Day or Weekend (July??), to do litter picking and weeding / cleanup, talk to & leaflet park users, maybe have barbecue or suchlike, and paint the building ourselves.? Volunteer performers? Boules tournament?
  9. Medium Term Aims – discuss Friends of Leith Links Group?, Refine list of proposals, community deliberation, explore skills and expertise available etc.
  10. Long Term Aims –
  11. Date of Next Meeting


We are also working on getting some specialised pages up on this web site that can be used for members of the public to share and comment on ideas under discussion.

Watch this space!

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