Controlled Parking Zones Phase 2 Consultation Leith








The City of Edinburgh Council launched Phase 2 of its consultation yesterday on proposals for Controlled Parking Zones in the Leith area including Bonnington, Easter Road and what is described as ‘West Leith’ but is actually the area between  Lochend Road and Restalrig Road, East Hermitage Place and the colonies.

If you live in these areas please take time to look at the plans for the introduction of permit holder parking, pay and display and other measures. Then make your comments known via the online survey.

You can see the plans here.

The consultation company have also organised two virtual drop in sessions on

Wednesday, 24th February between 6-8pm

Tuesday, 2nd March between 1-3pm

You can sign up to attend these meetings through the link below

Phase 1 of the consultation on parking took place in late 2019 for other areas of Leith.

This consultation is separate from the other consultation currently running on Leith Connections / Leith Low Traffic Neighbourhood.






CPZ Phase 2 Engagement opens Monday,15th Feb

Project Centre Limited, working on behalf of City Of Edinburgh Council, has made it known that they are undertaking an engagement exercise in this area. This exercise concerns the potential introduction of parking controls and will be starting on 15th February 2021.

CPZ – Controlled Parking Zone

This is what they say –

“The Council’s Strategic Review of Parking Review assessed parking across Edinburgh, as a means of identifying areas that might benefit from controlled parking. The outcomes from that review were reported to Committee in September 2019, with an expectation that initial consultations in each of the four proposed phases would follow throughout 2020. While the Phase 1 consultation took place in late 2019, the planned consultation for Phase 2, scheduled to take place in April 2020, was postponed as a result of Covid-19.

Phase 2 of this engagement will now take place over a four-week period starting on Monday 15th February 2021. Leaflets will be delivered to every property within the Phase 2 areas of Bonnington, Easter Road, West Leith (Lochend) and Willowbrae North. Anyone interested in the proposals will be able to view plans online, complete a questionnaire and leave comments on an interactive map on our website. We will also be holding virtual drop-in sessions for each of the areas listed above, where attendees can view the proposals, hear in more detail what is being proposed and ask questions regarding these proposals.

The following link takes you to the main landing page for this engagement, where each area of consideration is listed with links to individual pages available. The survey is located on the main page whilst the interactive maps are on the individual pages. Please note that the survey will be open from midnight Monday 15th February.”

Please respond to proposals for new cycleway and road changes in Leith

A new consultation has opened up this week about:

(1) a proposed new cycle route (called ‘Leith Connections’) from the bottom of Leith Walk to Ocean Terminal. The main aim is to create a segregated lane, to make cycling safer, but the plans also include some very radical changes to the roads and traffic along the route, including narrowing lanes, removal of parking and loading bays, moving bus stops and restricting access to several streets, including Yardheads, Parliament Street, Sandport Bridge.

(2) a proposed new ‘Low Traffic Neighbourhood’ (LTN) for the whole of Leith which would see many roads closed to through traffic. This is building on the city council’s ‘Active Travel Plan’ and aims to make the streets within the zone safer and more pleasant to walk and cycle and wheel in.

Either or both of these would mean very extensive permanent changes to how we get around Leith.

The Leith Links Community Council area is half in, and half out of the proposed LTN, but whether we happen to live inside or outside it, we will all be affected by the resulting effects on traffic.

Please take the time to read the proposals and respond to the consultation, which you can find here.

You can respond to the questionnaire as laid out, but it is one of those ones that sort of leads you into what the Council wants to hear, so it might suit you better to (also) use the other facility, which is to email your response to

The consultation closes on 28th February. Don’t put it off!!!

Feel free to also add comments below, if you wish, and we will try to incorporate these into the Community Council response.


Some Questions to ask Manse about their Seafield Road Plans

Are you going to tune in to the online consultation by Manse (Seafield ) LLP, 3-7pm Thursday 28th January?

You are of course entirely free to ask whatever you want, but here are some examples of the sort of questions we think are appropriate – please download and have a read to get ideas, and feel free to use or adapt any you feel hit the spot: Possible Questions for Manse28 Jan

Please note – At this stage, Manse is presenting a PAN (Pre-Application Notice) not an actual planning application. So their proposal is very broad-brush and lacking in specifics – this is standard, for a PAN. So there is not much  point in asking them very specific questions about eg. exactly how many parking spaces etc.

Apart from the fact that they won’t answer them anyway, going straight to specifics gives this PAN status it doesn’t have. We think it is better at this stage to highlight some of the strategic issues of design such as……maintaining and enhancing the quality of the Prom and beach, avoiding overshadowing, and negative spaces, safety on Seafield road, the need for co-ordination and delivery of social/green/transport and other infrastructure etc…..


Is this the right way to develop along Seafield Road?

There is an online public consultation event on Thursday 28th January, by  Manse (Seafield) LLP, between 3pm and 7pm. You can attend and give your views.

Manse are proposing to submit a planning application for the Peter Vardy Vauxhall site, at 22-25 Seafield Road, where they want to build 2 very large blocks of flats. This is not strictly speaking in the Leith Links area, but it borders on it. Any new development along there will undoubtedly impact upon the Leith Links area. We would urge you to look not only at the plans Manse bring forward, but to think about them in the wider context of what the whole Seafield Road area could become.

Is developing individual segments like this the right way to go? Or could this proposal be be seen as leading to uncoordinated piecemeal development?

Overall, Seafield is a huge site stretching from the Sewage works right along to the erstwhile bus garage at the Portobello end. We all want to see new homes built, but do we want just any old blocks of flats, or could we aspire to more, for this unique seaside site?

» Read more

Next meeting of Leith Links Community Council, Monday 25 January 2021, 6:30pm, via Microsoft Teams

The next meeting of the Leith Links Community Council will take place on Monday 25th November, at 6:30pm, online, via Microsoft Teams.

The link for the meeting will be sent out by email.

The meeting is open to interested members of the public. If you wish to attend, please email and ask to be sent an invitation /link for the meeting.

Here are

(1) The Agenda for the meeting.

(2) The LCC MINUTES November 2020 (draft until adopted at next week’s meeting).

These are also stored for access at any time in our online Library.


Local residents have received notification in advance of work to demolish the old footbridge which crosses the railway line at the entrance to Seafield Sewage Works. The area can already be a bottleneck for due to two sets of traffic lights between Seafield and Mcdonalds not synchronised which can lead to tail backs even when traffic flows should have reduced during lockdown. Work to remove the bridge will start on Thursday, 21st January until Monday, 1st February and will require a temporary 4 way light system so if you do have to travel then this could be the time to consider taking another route.

Lockdown again – useful links – Coronavirus information

Well, here we are, locked down again…  These are difficult times for us all, and we wish good luck to you all. Please do everything you can to stay safe and to keep others safe. Please ask for help if you need it.

Our website does not attempt to provide rolling updates on the current Coronavirus situation, as information can change very rapidly, and we do not wish to circulate information that may be incomplete or no longer applicable.

However we can direct you to the following sources of information, which are updated regularly;

Local Situation

Local sources of support

National Scottish and UK situation 

Worried about Brexit?

Information on changes and new rules

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