Events in parks consultation

A survey seeking people’s views on the Edinburgh’s Parks Events Manifesto begins today, 21 January 2014 and closes on 21 March 2014.

 The City’s parks are home to a number of high profile festivals and events every year. These events enhance the city’s reputation, generate significant economic benefit for the region and add to Edinburgh’s cultural and community activity. However, it is also recognised that these events can impact on the parks themselves, as well as how they are used by local people and others.

 Our Parks Events Manifesto enables us to assess which events take place within our parks and green spaces. It outlines how many events should take place in each park and provides the criteria to help us decide if a request is suitable. As well as providing criteria tailored to those parks used most frequently for events, the document also provides a framework for a balanced events programme and aims to make sure that the quality of the land is maintained to the highest standard possible.

 The survey is now open for anyone who has an interest in Edinburgh’s parks.

 Once the survey is complete we will analyse the results and present these to the Transport and Environment Committee on 3 June 2014.

Useful information and links

Further information, including links to the current manifesto and the survey, is available

 Paper copies of the survey are available by calling 0131 529 7921 or emailing 

 Social media coverage of the survey launch can also be found as follows, should you wish to repost:


Further information

Sarah Murphy, Business Manager, Parks and Greenspaces

Tel: 0131 529 7955

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