Leith Decides 2016

£eith decides 2016 will launch in Leith Community Centre on Saturday 6 February 2016 from 1pm until 3pm. Registration opens at 12.30pm

 Through £eith decides, local people decide on how 50% of the Leith Neighbourhood Partnership’s Community Grants Fund is allocated.  Last year 1,625 people took part, and £22,092 was allocated to 25 projects, with grants ranging from £250  up to the maximum £1,000.

 On 6 Feb 2016, 30 community groups will showcase 36 projects that are eligible for funding. The event is the start of a two week voting period, as you can then vote by post or in a local library (from 3pm 6 Feb until 5pm 16 Feb). Local people (anyone aged 8 and over who lives, works, studies or volunteers in the Leith NP area is eligible to vote) will have their say on which projects should receive a grant, making real decisions that will help their community.

 Information on the projects applying for funding are on the websitehttp://www.edinburghnp.org.uk/neighbourhood-partnerships/leith/about/£eith-decides/ and forms for voting in libraries/by post will be in libraries and on the website from 6 February.

 Will you be taking part this year? Tell your neighbours, colleagues and friends and make £eith decides 2016 the biggest yet!

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