Leith Market, beside Custom House

 Beth Berry who organises and runs the Leith Saturday market, as well as several others, has asked for our support. I try to use it on a regualar basis and hope that you will give it a try if you haven’t managed along yet.
Please read Beth’s message below

 Hello from Leith Market  Just a wee update and a heartfelt plea
 Its 3 months now since we launched and the market is doing fine. We average 25 traders every Saturday and most do reasonably well.
What we really need is more footfall; then I could attract more traders which would boost the footfall. It’s the usual chicken/egg problem – until I have more footfall I can’t get more traders, until I have more traders I won’t attract more footfall.
Here’s where you can help: please post our ad anywhere you can – help spread the message:
 Use it or lose it – the market needs YOUR support
What can you do?
a)      Please contact us –0131 261 6181 – if you have somewhere to pin up a poster – we can deliver one to you. (We can do an A4 version of the attached yellow advert)
b)      If you could display/hand out leaflets then let us know and we will deliver some to you. (There is one attached for you to see)
c)      You could like us on Facebook: Leith Market, or follow us on twitter: @Leith_market  (See below for more details on social media)
d)     Put our advert on your website – ask us to email you the jpeg (traderstall@aol.com)
e)      Just plain tell all your friends and family about us and of course come and see us!
We love our wee market and the people we have been meeting tell us they love it too,

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