Leith Programme Update

Progress update

 All work is currently running on schedule to the programme timescale

 Section 6a West (Balfour Street southwards):

·         All kerbs re-laid south of Balfour Street

·         75% of existing slabs removed

·         25% of new slabs re-laid

 Section 6a East (Jameson Place southwards)

·         50% of existing slabs removed

·         15% new slabs re-laid

·         Trial hole to relocate lighting column completed

 Section 8a West (Jane Street southwards)

·         40% of existing slabs removed

·         New gully connection complete

·         Installation of kerbs 50% complete

·         20% of new slabs re-laid

 Section 8a East (South of Manderston Street)

·         50% of existing slabs removed

·         Installation of kerbs 75% complete

·         15% of new slabs re-laid

 Other sections:  

·         Snagging works to sections 5 and 7 on-going

 Looking ahead for next week:

·         Continue with footpath works in all sections

·         Relocate lighting columns in sections 6 and 8

·         Gully installation at Stead’s Place




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