Leith Programme Update The Foot of the Walk junction works

The contractors carrying out the upgrade works to the Foot of the Walk junction (MacLay Civil Engineering Ltd) are anticipated to start mobilising next week, commencing 9 February, with full presence on site expected week commencing 16 February.

 The works, aimed at simplifying and improving the crossing for pedestrians, are expected to take 15 weeks to complete. In addition to road and footway resurfacing, the redesigned junction will see 4 single stage pedestrian crossings installed at the bottom of Leith Walk, Duke Street, Great Junction Street and Constitution Street. Once fully operational the junction crossing will include an all pedestrian phase allowing those on foot to cross more easily than at present improving the overall accessibility of the area in line with the design principles of the Leith Programme.

 For the duration of these works, Constitution Street will be closed at its junction with Leith Walk as part of the traffic management arrangements in place aimed at minimising disruption to traffic flow as much as possible. Local access to this area will be via Laurie Street, Queen Charlotte Street, or Bernard Street. Three way temporary traffic lights will be in operation at the main Leith Walk junction to control traffic flow. It is anticipated that traffic management arrangements will commence on 16 February.

 Bus diversion and general traffic conditions information reminder:

Details of the most up to date information regarding any bus diversions and traffic conditions affecting Leith Walk please visit either of the sites below:



Ongoing Works – Pilrig Street to Crown Place:

Crummock (Scotland) Ltd, contractors on the Pilrig Street to Crown Place section, are continuing with localised remedials and the completion of outstanding works including bus tracker connections and the installation of cycle racks, road markings and associated signage. Getting the latter fully installed is important as this will allow the enforcement of the new parking regulations to commence. Details of these new regulations will follow in a separate update.

 New Design Layout:

The new design of Leith Walk, north of Pilrig Street, with additional formal and informal pedestrian crossing points appears to be working well at this early stage with pedestrians, cyclists and drivers getting used to the new pedestrian friendly layout and crossing locations. One of the main aims of the Leith Programme is to make the area more accessible and safe for those on foot and we would ask that all road users become familiar with the new layout and respect all the pedestrian crossing points.

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