MELA 2014

The 20th annual Edinburgh Mela runs from 29 – 31 August 2014, and we’ve put together our most exciting programme yet to celebrate. Fancy dancing to the ragga-tipped beats of legends like Apache Indian or GAUDI, journeying around the world in eighty tunes with blissfulQawaali, fast-paced Ghanian drumming or Chinese punk, falling in love with some beautiful choreography at the Mela World Dance Feste, trying out new spices in the Global Food Village, meeting animals from all over the globe at the Kidzone Animela, marvelling at the vibrant fabrics of the famous Mela Fashion Show, or being transported to fairyland by our brand new orchestral commission The King of Ghosts? Well, you’re in the right place: come on down to Leith Links, and join the party.

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