£EITH CHOOSES – Local Democracy in Action!

Your Leith Links Community Councillors were out in force yesterday helping to run the amazing £eith Chooses Voting day. It was hard work but it was terrific fun. We love to meet up with our community!

This year’s voting day was a record-breaker in every sense of the word – more posters, leaflets, lamppost wraps; more project applications than ever before; more money to be distributed (though still still not enough, sadly); more new project groups applying; more diverse projects, in terms of minority groups in our community; and more people attending to vote than ever before! (Also more worry and panic, before the day, right up to the very last minute, due to the horrendous snowy weather and difficult conditions for getting about.) We are also now shaping up to see more online votes than ever before rolling in.

Many thanks also to our friends and colleagues from Leith Harbour and Newhaven, and Leith Central Community Councils, who have been helping to organise £eith Chooses and were also there yesterday to help.

People possibly don’t realise that a large part of all of this is done by volunteers! Having said that, Leith Links Community Council and fellow Community Councils certainly couldn’t have put on this whole event without our close partnership with Edinburgh City Council and their dedicated and super-hard-working staff team. And last but not least, our great elected representatives (some of whom were last seen shovelling snow in the Kirkgate!) from Leith and Leith Walk: Marion, Chas, Susan, Amy, Adam, Gordon.

We ALL worked hard for our amazing Leith community, and it was great!

The strapline on our Leith Links community Council bid to the Scottish Government Community Grants Fund (which brought us £72.000 for community projects) was ‘Local Democracy in Action’. Well, it certainly was, yesterday.

MSP Ben MacPherson seems to like £eith Chooses as much as everybody else did.

£EITH CHOOSES – last week for applications!

This is IT  – you have three days left to get your project grant application in to £EITH CHOOSES – the deadline is 31 January 7pm.

You can hand your completed form (plus accompanying bits and pieces in at one of the support sessions.  – check details of time and place here– if you’ve run out of time to post it. (If your form is held up at the last minute, let us know by the deadline and we can arrange to receive it somehow.)

Go for it!  The application forms are really not too deadly to fill in, and we can help you at a support session, if necessary.

Download Guidance and Application Forms here.

Thing is – there is £116,000 available for community projects in Leith. This is an unprecedented sum. OK – everyone is busy and tired… but please, please, please don’t let this funding opportunity slip away, in case the money doesn’t come our way again….

Voting will be on 3rd March 2018, at the Community Centre, New Kirkgate. Hold the date!

Keep up to date via the £EITH CHOOSES own website,  Facebook and Twitter.


The three Leith Community Councils are teaming up with City of Edinburgh Council to create a pot of cash for the community in Leith, based on Scottish Government ‘Community Choices’funding.

Applications for £EITH CHOOSES will be invited very soon, and voting will be in March 2018. Many things will be similar to previous £eith Decides but there are a few exciting changes too.

The project Launch & first Funding Workshop will be held on 22nd November in Leith Community Education Centre, New Kirkgate, at 6.00pm.

Come along and find out more!

Keep up to date via Facebook and Twitter, or download the press release.

£eith Chooses 2017/2018

Leithers choose how funds will be spent in their community Leith Links Community Council was in 2017 awarded Scottish Government ‘Community Choices’ funding and teamed up with the three Leith Community Councils and the City of Edinburgh Council to create an innovative volunteer / council partnership, with the largest ever pot of cash for community projects in Leith (£118,000). The local community voted in

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Seafield enquiry goes ahead

This week, representatives from both the Leith Links Community Council and the Leith Links Residents Association met with Scottish Government to discuss and finalise the Terms of Reference for the forthcoming independent review of the Seafield Sewage plant. Consultants are already gathering data from all Seafield stakeholders, including members of the community. As a next step, they will set out and cost all possible ways of minimising the odour nuisance from Seafield, and Scottish Government will eventually make decisions about which they will fund and implement. We welcome the fact that for the first time there appears to be political will at government level (and hopefully some funding, attached to it) to make something happen to improve the situation.

Fingers crossed!

We will keep you posted, as the review proceeds.

Could Leith be the next Zero Waste Town?

Leith based environmental charity, Changeworks, is looking to assess the potential of Leith becoming the next Zero Waste Town. As a householder located in Leith this is your opportunity to tell us what you think about how waste is currently managed in Leith, and to input into our proposed project activities.

Share your views by completing this online survey by Friday 17 March 2017 and be entered into our £50 voucher prize draw*.

This research is funded by Zero Waste Scotland. We will use the findings from the survey to inform our application for further funding from Zero Waste Scotland to run the Zero Waste Leith project. This project would follow on from similar projects in Dunbar and Bute, where the community and businesses have come together to increase recycling, reduce waste, improve their local environment and make better use of resources.

About us

Leith Links Community Council is a local voluntary body composed of people who care about our community and want to make our area an ever better place to live, work, study, volunteer or visit. The general purpose of Community Councils is to act as a voice for our local area. We do that by sharing information with local residents and

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 £eith decides 2013-14

Applications are invited to be submitted, no later than 8 November 2013.  Click on the links below to download an application form and other information.  £22,092 is available to be allocated in community grant awards of up to £1,000.

Application Form

Application Guidelines

Map of Leith Neighbourhood Partnership Area

The City of Edinburgh Council Funding Conditions

The £eith decides Steering Group meet on 25 November 2013 to assess applications against Community Grants Criteria.  It is expected that invitations to take part in the Libraries Poster Exhibition and decision-making event will be sent to all applicants whose projects meet community grants criteria by 6 December 2013.

 A poster exhibition of projects will take place in McDonald Road and Leith Libraries from 13 January to 7 February 2014.  You may score projects in the library or submit scores by post up to 5.00 pm on 7 February 2013.  Please Note:  If you score projects in the library or by post you cannot score projects again at the event.  Library and/or postal scoring sheets will not be accepted after 7 February 2013.

The decision-making event is on 15 February 2014 at the Leith Community Education Centre at New Kirkgate.  Previous participating Local Community Groups have found that the events provide a valuable opportunity to promote themselves, recruit new volunteers and/or participants, network with other groups as well as the possibility of being made a community grant award.  Local People have said that the events are fun and that they enjoy learning about Leith through the applicant groups. 

There are lots of reasons for taking part, either as an applicant or in scoring projects to make the decision on which projects are given a community grant.

Support through the application process is available for Community Groups who wish to apply.  Contact:  Jackie Mearns, Community Learning and Development, Duncan Place Resource Centre, Duncan Place, Edinburgh.  Telephone 0131 554 9951 or e-mail jackiemearns@ea.edin.sch.uk.

The people of Leith are asked to give every project a score out of 5.  Everyone 8 yrs or older, who lives, works, volunteers or studies in the Leith Neighbourhood Partnership area can score projects.  Come along to the event if you can.  But if you can’t postal scoring sheets are available from 13 January by e-mailing Loraine.duckworth@edinburgh.gov.uk or from the library.

“Like” £eith decides on www.facebook.com/voteforleithdecides.


Although Waterworld closed earlier this month the campaign by Splashback to open the pool again is still alive. Splashback would like to investigate the possibility of a community buy out. The current closing date for the sale of the site is 8th February but activists would like this delayed by 6 months so they can build a business case and try to attract alternative funding. Members of the group attended the community council meeting asking for support to a motion being put to a full CityCouncil meeting on 2nd February. Leith Links Community Council agreed to offer our support to the proposal and also asked that the figures for running costs be made available to Splashback for their alternative business plan.

The Drummond-Muthambi Partnership

Drummond Goes On Safari

‘Safari’ is the Kizwahli word for journey so if you go on safari to see your Granny in Kenya it doesn’t mean that she lives with the lions and zebra! This was only one of the words that 8 S6 students and 3 staff from Drummond Community High School had to relearn on their visit to their partner schools Muthambi Boys and Girls this summer.

The trip far exceeded our expectations both educationally and socially and it would not be exaggerating to say that it has changed the lives of students and staff in all three schools.

After a long flight we arrived tired but happy in Nairobi. The minute you step of the plane everything is different, the heat, the smell, the buildings, the people and you know you’re in Africa. We embarked on a very full programme for our ten day visit which was a combination of working and meeting with the Kenyan students and learning a bit about the life of ordinary Kenyans and the experience was far more fun than the usual ‘Safari’ holiday.

We took part in lots of projects, but here are just a few highlights.

In Muthambi Boys school we converted a motley collection of damp and ancient old books on rickety shelves into the foundations of a school library With 8 boys working as volunteer Librarians we cleared shelves and set up some of the new and exciting books that we had managed to take out with us (packing only 2 pairs of knickers and 3 socks = more space for resources!). The Library will now open for the boys in the evenings and we hope to send out more books in the future.

In the Girls school we taught lessons on Scottish poetry and did cookery demonstrations introducing the girls to shortbread, it was difficult to record their comments as their mouths were so full! We also took part in sports and games, music, tribal dancing and question and answer session on every topic under the sun, plus we made a short film on the life of a Muthambi schoolgirl.

When we weren’t in school we were out experiencing Kenyan life guided by Muthambi staff and students. We visited a crocodile farm and handled ‘teenage’ crocs (yes they do have big teeth!), picked tea and processed it at a Fairtrade tea factory, were entertained by a smallholder farmer and his family, visited a government sericulture research farm along with local primary and secondary schools. The highlight was our ‘safari’ to a game conservancy project where we saw 4 out of the ‘big 5’ must see animals.

What next?

Our S6 have left for work, college and university but inspired by their experiences they would like Drummond students to have the wonderful opportunity of a return visit by our Kenyan friends. Apart from strengthening our curricular links we are hoping to raise £15,000 to bring 8 students and 2 staff over to Drummond in June 2011. Our ex-S6 will be working alongside our new group of students and will be running fundraising activities throughout the year. We are looking for help with ideas for raising money, grant opportunities and hospitality for the return visit.

If you have any ideas or would like to help out please contact Annie Scanlon on Tel: 556 2651, at admin@drummond.edin.sch.uk or pop into the school sometime for a chat.

 We would like to thank the Spurtle and its readers for their support, parents and adult students at DCHS plus the John Watson Trust and Leith Links Community Council for their generous grants.

 Annie Scanlon

Librarian/Kenya Partnership



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