Public Meeting on a Museum for Leith

Invitation to Public Meeting on a Museum for Leith

Sunday 22 June, 2 pm: Venue: South Leith Parish Church

Over the last few years, thousands of people in Leith, Edinburgh and across Scotland and beyond have given their support to the campaign for a museum in Leith. The aim of that campaign has been to acquire and transform the historic Custom House in Leith into a venue which would be part museum and heritage centre, part exhibition and gallery space, and part education and community centre. The venue would have a historical focus, but would also include material and organise educational and outreach activities to demonstrate the current international links of Leith and Edinburgh. It would set today’s community in its historical context.

The Campaign for a Leith Museum along with a number of other local organisations have been working on various plans and ideas for Custom House over the last few years.

However, our campaign has now reached a crucial stage. That is because the current owners of Custom House, National Museums of Scotland, have now confirmed that it is their intention to move out of Custom House by April 2015. It is their intention to sell the building.

This is an opportunity for us to take forward our ambition plans for Custom House.However, there is also the risk that the building could be sold off for private commercial uses with no possibility of it ever being used for public purposes.

The Campaign is therefore launching an urgent public campaign and appeal to acquire Custom House so that it can be restored and used in the way we and so many others we would like to see happen.

 If our campaign is to be successful, however, we will need a wide range of support. We will need the backing of central and local government, trusts and charities, as well as local organisations and local people. We have had many indications of support in principle from such bodies, which is important.

Above all, though, we will need the active support of the many thousands of people in Leith and beyond who support our dreams for Custom House.Please come along to our public meeting and find out more about our campaign and how you can help. Please pass the word and/or send this email on to anyone else you know who might be interested. If you can’t come along, but want to support the campaign, please email us at We will keep you informed.

The meeting will be held on Sunday 22 June, at 2 pm, in South Leith Parish Church. Kirkgate (note: the venue is the church itself, NOT the church halls).

Please join us!


Mark Lazarowicz MP

Chair, Campaign for a Leith Museum


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