Scottish Water Apology to Community

Scottish Water finally put out an apology today after receiving several emails from me on behalf of the community council and those who live in the community.Scottish Water should we aware that there is an ongoing issue with odour emissions from Seafield due to the high number of complaints forwarded to them, local elected members, SEPA and City Of Edinburgh Council by you, the public.

The apology reads

Scottish Water is aware of an elevated level of odour related issues in the Leith Links area and would like to sincerely apologise to customers for the inconvenience this is causing. 

During the unprecedented long spell of hot and dry weather the site operator Veolia has been taking all steps to ensure the operating conditions at Seafield WWTW are optimised including management of sludge levels. Veolia has progressed and implemented the agreed network related actions contained within the Strategic Odour Review.  In addition, Scottish Water is checking operations within its wider network which connects to Seafield WwTW.

We are continuing to review what other measures may be implemented to address the situation during this period of dry weather and again we apologise for the inconvenience caused to customers.

The apology could have been copy and pasted from previous similar emails. Leith Links Community Council and Leith Links Residents Association are well aware of what causes the problem. City of Edinburgh Council sending out highly trained noses to agree or disagree with local residents over how strong and unpleasant a smell of sewage is no longer acceptable. If you as a local resident are effectively trapped in your house because of disgusting smells then that to me is totally unacceptable.

Last Tuesday there was a programme on BBC2 called Inside the Factory which showed the process of making toilet paper. During the programme they also visited the sewage works that services Brighton. What was the difference between Seafield and Brighton? All the areas that could cause odour emissions are covered.

Veolia who operate Seafield under a PFI contract from Scottish Water seem powerless to stop the stink. They are well aware of the problem because it’s not new and happens year after year.

How do we solve it? Money, lots of money to cover the settlement tanks at Seafield and reducing odour emissions by covering the areas where the sludge gathers and becomes septic. In these weather conditions sewage can become septic in the network because there’s not the usual rainfall to flush it through so it’s probably arriving at Seafield already septic and producing the honk.

I have been in contact with Ben MacPherson MSP to arrange a meeting with the community council and residents association. We will be lobbying for a move to demand that Scottish Government provide the necessary funding for work to be done on the plant.

15000 people were at Easter Road last night to watch the football and they could smell the sewage. What a wonderful advert for our capital city when visitors from Greece are greeted by the smell of excrement.

Please continue to report the Great Stink and tell your friends to do it. You can be sure that politicians do pay attention when they receive lots of emails reporting the stench especially when election time isn’t too far away.






Traffic Restrictions around Leith Links schools

Have your say on the proposed restriction of traffic around Leith Primary School, and St. Mary’s Primary School, on Leith Links. This aims to cut down vehicles on the small streets nearest to the schools for a set period around the start and end of the school day.

There is a very short survey here that is open until 31st July 2018, please do take the chance to look at the plans and contribute your views. 



Pongs from Seafield Sewage

We are all sick of the horrible smells from Seafield, and it is even worse in lovely weather when we would like to sit outside (or even just have our windows open). In spite of the recent commissioned review, there are no signs of improvement lately – we have had a very smelly week!  One thing HAS improved though. We have been asking for this for years, and at last it is now a bit easier to report these disgusting smells that ruin our quality of life. Many households have had a leaflet and contacts card delivered from the Public Health Department. Use that contact if you wish. Or, if you don’t feel like phoning, click on ‘Report it Here’ in the yellow box  (above, below, or side bar, depending on your device) to use our own new web-based form.


Community Councils Together on Trams

Leith Links Community Council is one member of a group of four community councils who have issued a joint statement urging the city council to reconsider the wider implications, the detail, and the timeline of the controversial proposed extension of the Edinburgh tram to Newhaven.

Read the joint statement here from the Community Councils Together on Trams (CCTT) –(i.e. Leith Central, Leith Links, Leith Harbour & Newhaven, and New Town & Broughton, through whose wards the extended tram will run, if given the green light by the City of Edinburgh Council (CEC).  These bodies approve the proposed extension of the tramline in principle,  but urge caution and highlight a number of concerns on which they are seeking reassurances from the trams team and CEC. The joint Community Councils are seeking improved communications/consultation, as a matter of urgency.

Read the joint statement here




The OneCity Trust is pleased to announce that its main grant programme is now open for applications. Registered charities and constituted groups based in Edinburgh and focussing their work in the city. Ideally with an annual income of less than £200,000, are invited to apply for funding for equality and social inclusion projects meeting one or more of the following priorities;


For the third year, we are also in a partnership with Travis Perkins Managed Services and the City of Edinburgh Council. This is a Community Benefit Legacy fund offered to the Council by Travis Perkins as part of a major contract and is managed through the OneCity Trust.

Applications for this funding will be considered from organisations that involve City of Edinburgh Council tenants or from other organisations aiming to benefit geographical areas with a high proportion of Council homes. 

Overall, the Trust intends to make up to 15 grants, of between £5,000 and £10,000.

For further information and to request an application form, please, or alternatively, please telephone Elaine McCafferty on 0131 469 3856 or e-mail

Please note that the Trust is supported by the council on a part-time basis.

The deadline for applications is 20 April 2018, and projects should commence on 2 July 2018 and run for up to one year.  Please note one off projects will also be considered.   A condition of this funding agreement will be the promotion, media and photographic opportunities organised with the OneCity Trust, at any time throughout the period of the fund.  You must also acknowledge the source of your funding at every opportunity, e.g. logos on websites, promotional materials, etc.

Trams to Newhaven: Notification of First Round of Public Consultation

Beginning 19 March, the City of Edinburgh Council will undertake six weeks of public consultation and engagement on taking Edinburgh Trams to Newhaven. This will provide the public, local business and stakeholders with general information on the project, specific details around traffic management during construction and the proposed permanent design. We will also outline our current proposals on how we aim to support local business during the construction period. 

During consultation your views will be sought on traffic management and phasing. This includes proposals for the closure of Leith Walk to all northbound traffic, with a single city-bound lane remaining open and the phased closure and reopening of Constitution Street. Work in these areas is expected to last for up to 18 months.

These and wider plans for traffic management during construction have been drawn up following in-depth traffic modelling and discussions with key partners and stakeholders.

We also intend to communicate our plans to help support local businesses who will be most affected by the works. This includes provision for parking and loading between work sites, an open for business campaign, on-street customer service staff, logistics hubs and financial support. 
Your opinions will also be sought on the plans for the permanent design of the street along the route. This includes a dedicated public transport-only lane on Leith Walk for tram and bus during the morning and evening rush hour. During off peak time the outside lanes will close to traffic and provide essential parking and loading areas for local business.

This is the first stage in a consultation process that is scheduled to continue through to the end of 2018.

Consultation 1 Begins: 19 March 2018 

  • 28,000 letters delivered to residential addresses in the area surrounding the planned tram route
  • 4 public information events:
    • Thursday 22 March: Leith Theatre, 11am – 6pm
    • Tuesday 3 April: McDonald Road Library, 10am – 4pm
    • Thursday 12 April: Leith Community Education Centre, 3pm – 9pm
    • Saturday 21 April: Ocean Terminal, 12 noon – 5pm
      • 4 local business forums
      • 4 community council briefings 
      • Online feedback via Consultation Hub from 19 March
      • A dedicated Trams to Newhaven website to keep you up-to-date

      Consultation 1 Ends: 29 April 2018
      As part of our consultation the project team commissioned an independent survey to understand local behaviours and attitudes towards Trams to Newhaven. The research was carried out by Progressive Partnership – an Edinburgh-based market research company. This involved a ten-minute on-street interview carried out with representative sample of 368 individuals at three locations along the proposed route.

      Below are some of the key findings:

      • 59% agreed that the line would benefit Leith with 58% saying it would be easier to get around and 42% saying it would be good for local business
      • 91% were satisfied with current transport provision on Leith Walk 
      • When asked what would improve public transport provision in Leith Walk, the most popular response at 38% was ‘introduce a tram service’ NB most respondents currently used buses or walking to get to and around Leith
      • 56% said they were likely to use the new line
      • Among those who did not think Leith would benefit, concerns focused chiefly on disruption, delays and congestion resulting from construction works 

      If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

      Trams to Newhaven Project Team

£EITH CHOOSES – Local Democracy in Action!

Your Leith Links Community Councillors were out in force yesterday helping to run the amazing £eith Chooses Voting day. It was hard work but it was terrific fun. We love to meet up with our community!

This year’s voting day was a record-breaker in every sense of the word – more posters, leaflets, lamppost wraps; more project applications than ever before; more money to be distributed (though still still not enough, sadly); more new project groups applying; more diverse projects, in terms of minority groups in our community; and more people attending to vote than ever before! (Also more worry and panic, before the day, right up to the very last minute, due to the horrendous snowy weather and difficult conditions for getting about.) We are also now shaping up to see more online votes than ever before rolling in.

Many thanks also to our friends and colleagues from Leith Harbour and Newhaven, and Leith Central Community Councils, who have been helping to organise £eith Chooses and were also there yesterday to help.

People possibly don’t realise that a large part of all of this is done by volunteers! Having said that, Leith Links Community Council and fellow Community Councils certainly couldn’t have put on this whole event without our close partnership with Edinburgh City Council and their dedicated and super-hard-working staff team. And last but not least, our great elected representatives (some of whom were last seen shovelling snow in the Kirkgate!) from Leith and Leith Walk: Marion, Chas, Susan, Amy, Adam, Gordon.

We ALL worked hard for our amazing Leith community, and it was great!

The strapline on our Leith Links community Council bid to the Scottish Government Community Grants Fund (which brought us £72.000 for community projects) was ‘Local Democracy in Action’. Well, it certainly was, yesterday.

MSP Ben MacPherson seems to like £eith Chooses as much as everybody else did.


Decisions are being taken very soon on three very important issues facing Edinburgh, and Leith in particular. The outcomes will affect us all for many years to come. City of Edinburgh Council has opened these to consultation. Your view, as a citizen, a voter and a Council Tax payer, really does count.  Please will every one of you take a few minutes to fill in the surveys (they are actually not very long or complicated) and send in your views.

(1) Massive cuts to Council services  (otherwise known as ‘Budget Savings’)
The Council aims to cut £21 Million from the budget for 2018/19. Every single one of us will notice effects of these cuts, every day, in things like bin collection, parking charges, Edinburgh Leisure facilities, libraries, school transport, services to disabled people, and much more. This is your chance to speak out.

Read more information here: Budget Leaflet

Send in YOUR views: Council Budget survey

(2) Proposed new arrangements for Picardy Place

Picardy Place at the top of Leith Walk is a key junction connecting Leith to the rest of the city. As the new St. James Quarter is developed, there is an opportunity to improve Picardy Place. Do we want a vehicle dominated multi-lane gyratory, maybe a hotel in the middle, or can we keep our street sculpture, make space, plant trees and improve pedestrian, cyclist and public transport access, while also future-proofing for any extension to the tram? Are the Council taking local peoples views into account enough? Will they reach the right decisions? Many think not…..

Read more information here:  Council proposals ; Broughton CounterProposal  ; Other Views ; Dirty Work at the Crossroads?

Send in YOUR views: Picardy Place Survey

(3) Licensing Board (alcohol) policy

The Licensing Board (which is actually separate from the Council) is reviewing its policy. A lot of people believe that one reason for the relatively high rate of violence and crime in Leith is over-provision of alcohol in the area. A recent survey by the Leith Neighbourhood Partnership confirmed this position. This is a chance to revisit the issue.

Read more information here: alcoholLeith – revised Feb 2015

Send in YOUR views: Licensing Policy survey 


City of Edinburgh Council Local Event Fund

A new one-off £60,000 “Local Events Fund” has been made available by the City of Edinburgh Council in order to stimulate artistic and cultural events across the city. The one-off fund aims to inspire audiences and artists who might otherwise not have the chance to participate in cultural ventures to take up the artistic challenge.

Applications of between £2,500 and £10,000 can be made by community groups, arts/creative organisations and partnerships based in the four Localities of the city with each area receiving a total fund of £15,000 to award.

The fund is now open and applications need to be submitted by 15 December. Only one application can be made per organisation and anyone interested should submit their application by 12 noon on 15 December 2017. See attached guidelines, application forms and webpage link below for more information.

Applications now open for this fund, please promote through your local networks:

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