Setting the Council Budget 2018/19

Setting the Council budget 2018/19

City of Edinburgh Council is planning the budget for 2018/19 and is once again looking for your feedback.

The changes faced, just like other cities, continue:

  • our population is changing and growing
  • demand for our services, such as for schools and health and social care, is increasing all the time
  • Council income has not kept up with rising demand.

In 2017/18 the Council invested over £900m on services for residents, businesses and visitors. It focussed on the things you said are important like education, care for older people, culture and services for vulnerable children and adults.

The Council has saved around £240m since 2012/13 and continues trying to work more efficiently and to prioritise services.  Even with this, it is estimated that it needs to save at least £21m by 2019, over £100m by 2021 and £150m by 2023

Tell the Council what you think

Please give the Council your views on its budget proposals at You can also register to come along to Question Time on Monday 27 November, where you can put a question to a panel of senior councillors.

Are you affected by the Seafield stink?

Many residents within our area have reported that they have been adversely affected by nuisance foul odours from the Seafield Waste Water Treatment Works operated by Scottish Water and Veolia Water UK.

Leith Links Community Council is aware of these concerns and we are members of the Seafield Stakeholders Group which meets regularly to discuss matters relating to the works.

We would encourage any residents who are adversely affected by nuisance foul odours from the works to ensure that this is reported, at the time, on each and every occasion. We cannot underestimate the importance of this.

We have previously distributed leaflets (pictured) to households in our area encouraging people to report any foul odours.

Please report sewage type smells to the City of Edinburgh Council using these details:

Please report burning rubber type smells to the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency:

  • 0800 80 70 60 (24 hours, 7 days)

City of Edinburgh Council election results announced

The results of the City of Edinburgh Council elections have been announced.


There are two City of Edinburgh Council electoral wards which encompass the Leith Links Community Council area, Leith Ward 13 and Craigentinny / Duddingston Ward 14.


All seven elected City of Edinburgh Councillors automatically become ex officio members of Leith Links Community Council.


Leith Ward 13

  • Electorate: 17,432
  • Votes cast:  7675
  • Turnout:  44.0%


  • Councillor Chas Booth (Scottish Green Party) (Re-elected)
  • Councillor Adam McVey (Scottish National Party) (Re-elected)
  • Councillor Gordon Munro (Scottish Labour Party) (Re-elected)



Craigentinny / Duddingston Ward 14

  • Electorate:  22,793
  • Votes cast:  10,892
  • Turnout:  47.8%


  • Councillor Ian Campbell (Scottish National Party)
  • Councillor Joan Griffiths (Scottish Labour Party) (Re-elected)
  • Councillor John McLellan (Scottish Conservative & Unionist Party)
  • Councillor Alex Staniforth (Scottish Green Party)



We look forward to meeting all the City Councillors for the Leith Links Community Council area at our next public meeting, which is our Annual General Meeting being held on Monday 29 Mary 2017, from 7pm, in Leith Community Education Centre (Newkirkgate).

Election hustings success

Our long awaited hustings event for candidates standing in the Leith Ward (Ward 13) was held yesterday evening in Leith Community Education Centre.


Four of the five candidates standing attended and answered twelve questions from the assembled audience of 35 members of our community.



Throughout the night we published various Twitter and Facebook postings using #LeithHustings view collated Tweets by us & others by clicking here.





Candidates who took part were;

  • Chas Booth (Scottish Green Party)
  • Adam McVey (Scottish National Party)
  • Gordon Munro (Scottish Labour Party)
  • Paul Penman (Scottish Conservative Party)


The twelve questions were diverse;

  • Trams – if they come to Leith do you support additional business rates relief for affected local businesses.
  • Poverty – what battles will candidates fight to lift families out of poverty.
  • Rape & womans rights – will candidates condemn rape clause and what is their position on the tendering of domestic abuse services.
  • Leith Links – what will they do to improve the Leith Links area, specific mention of refuse related issues on Leith Links and HMO properties surrounding the Links.
  • Rape – what will candidates do to ensure there is help for rape victims to come report such crimes, and quickly. Also, how will they ensure that the third sector doesn’t become politicised.
  • Planning – what will candidates do to ensure that people are brought to Leith / kept in Leith.
  • Environment – what will candidates do to tidy up Leith, including getting bins emptied.
  • Seafield smell – how do candidates see this being resolved.
  • Libraries – what will candidates do to ensure services maintained.
  • Housing – rent controls for Edinburgh, yes or no.
  • Democracy – candidates thoughts on ensuring more power for local democracy.
  • Environment – will candidates be taking part in the next Leithers Don’t Litter community clean up. Also, are they against bottled water being used on City of Edinburgh Council premises.


Who are the candidates?  Follow this link to find a list of candidates.

Where to vote?  Follow this link to find details of polling places.

Register to vote? Follow this link to find out how to register to vote.

How to vote?  Follow this link to find details on how to vote.

If you live within the red line – you live in Leith Ward.

NB: Leith Links Community Council is a non political organisation and is not affiliated with any political party or cause. This event has been organised on a neutral non aligned basis.


Quiz the candidates standing in Leith Ward

It’s election time again and we are hosting an opportunity for members of our community to quiz the candidates on local Leith matters on Wednesday 19 April 2017, from 18:30, in Leith Community Centre (Kirkgate). Questions will be taken from the floor so this is a real opportunity for members of our community attending to quiz the candidates on issues that matter to them, providing they are Leith related and within the power of an elected Councillor.



There are five candidates standing for three seats, all have been invited to take part;

  • BOOTH, Chas (Scottish Green Party)
  • DIJKSTRA-DOWNIE, Sanne (Scottish Liberal Democrats)
  • MCVEY, Adam (Scottish National Party (SNP))
  • MUNRO, Gordon John (Labour and Co-operative Party)
  • PENMAN, Paul (Scottish Conservative and Unionist)


Where to vote?  Follow this link to find details of polling places.

Register to vote? Follow this link to find out how to register to vote.

How to vote?  Follow this link to find details on how to vote.

If you live within the red line – you live in Leith Ward.

NB: Leith Links Community Council is a non political organisation and is not affiliated with any political party or cause. This event has been organised on a neutral non aligned basis.

City of Edinburgh Council elections | Who are the candidates

Elections to the City of Edinburgh Council are taking place this May. The Returning Officer has released the list of candidates standing in our area.

Following the election, all seven elected Councillors will automatically become ex-officio members of Leith Links Community Council.

The Leith Links Community Council area is encompassed by two electoral wards, please find information relating to the candidates and wards below:


Leith Ward 13

Map of ward below.
This election is to return three Councillors, the candidates are as follows;

  • BOOTH, Chas (Scottish Green Party)
  • DIJKSTRA-DOWNIE, Sanne (Scottish Liberal Democrats)
  • MCVEY, Adam (Scottish National Party (SNP))
  • MUNRO, Gordon John (Labour and Co-operative Party)
  • PENMAN, Paul (Scottish Conservative and Unionist)


Craigentinny/Duddingston Ward 14

Map of ward below.
This election is to return four Councillors, the candidates are as follow;

  • CAMPBELL, Ian (Scottish National Party (SNP))
  • GRIFFITHS, Joan (Labour and Co-operative Party)
  • HADFIELD, Patrick (Scottish Liberal Democrats)
  • LUNN, Alex (Scottish National Party (SNP))
  • MARTIN, Lyndsay (Labour and Co-operative Party)
  • MCLELLAN, John (Scottish Conservative and Unionist)
  • STANIFORTH, Alex (Scottish Green Party)
  • WADHWA, Mridul (Scottish National Party (SNP)


Where to vote?  Follow this link to find details of polling places within both wards.

Register to vote? Follow this link to find out how to register to vote.

How to vote?  Follow this link to find details on how to vote.


Aged 11 – 25? Join in the big vote party

Young people in Edinburgh are being asked to vote on projects to deliver youth work across the city. During February 2017, the the City of Edinburgh Council invited groups to apply for up to £10,000 to spend on youth work activity that will benefit young people between 11-25, either locally based or citywide.

The applications were screened at the beginning of March by a group of young people and City of Edinburgh Council officers, based on priorities that were decided by young people following a consultation in 2016.

This is the first year of a three year programme, with 60k to allocate this year, rising to over 100k in year 2, and over 500k in year 3.

A total of 16 projects will now face a public vote. It is now up to you to decide which of these projects you would like to see being delivered. If you are aged between 11-21, and live in Edinburgh, you can vote for your three preferred projects.

Voting opens at 12noon on Friday 10 March and closes at 5pm on Monday 27 March 2017.

You can vote:

Results will be announced in April and projects will begin from May 2017. This is your chance to decide how money is spent that benefits you.

If you have a Young Scot card, when you vote online you will also receive reward points and these can be redeemed against a range of awards. You can find out more about Young Scot here.

If you would like to find out more, please contact

Can you suggest new street names for Leith?

The City of Edinburgh Council is seeking suggestions for new street names.


Anyone can suggest new street names, which if appropriate will be added to the Councils ‘Street Names Bank’ for possible future use.  You can see which names are already on the name bank for Leith by clicking here.


Potential names should not duplicate any currently in use and meet at least one of the following criteria:

• commemorate local history, places, events or culture, and in particular any that relate to the development site;

• honour and commemorate noteworthy persons associated with the local area, or the City of Edinburgh as a whole;

• celebrate cultural diversity in the City of Edinburgh;

• commemorate national and international noteworthy persons, who have been deceased for five years or more;

• commemorate national and international events;

• strengthen neighbourhood identity;

• recognise native wildlife, flora, fauna or natural features related to the community or the City of Edinburgh as a whole.


If you would like make a suggestion to the Council, click here.

City Council consults on policy for holding public processions

A consultation by the City of Edinburgh Council is currently underway on the rules and guidance around holding parades and processions, including protest marches, in Edinburgh.

With Leith no strange to public processions, think Leith Gala Day and United Colours of Leith, this is a matter that will affect Leith.

The public are being asked for their feedback on a new policy and code of conduct providing more clarity on the process for staging a public procession.

Organisers are required by law to give the Council at least 28 days’ notice of such an event, which will then be considered by the officers, along with the police and other interested parties.

But with an increase in the number of parades and processions taking place in Edinburgh over recent years, the need for a clear and consistent approach is apparent.

To view the consultation click here.

The consultation runs until 31 March 2017.

Changes to garden waste collections

Collections of garden waste will be changing for residents across Edinburgh from March.

Brown bins will now be collected by the City of Edinburgh Council once every three weeks all year round, instead of every two weeks in the summer and four weeks in the winter.

The change will result in more consistent collections throughout the year, and was agreed as part of last year’s Council budget in order to enable the service to continue running despite increasing financial pressures.

Click here for further information.


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