Free benefit and debt advice for Edinburgh residents

Free benefit and debt advice for Edinburgh residents

As the coronavirus pandemic hits the economy harder, more people are now dependent on benefits due to job loss and reduced income. Many people aren’t able to pay for essential things like rent and mortgage costs while others struggle with fuel and food costs.

Four of the city’s advice services are still busy working to support residents to maximise their income and support through these difficult times – whether it is helping people to get the benefits they are entitled to, helping manage debt or rent arrears, giving advice on housing problems or budgeting or help with food and bills. All services are currently providing assistance remotely though some are starting to offer limited face to face appointments.

Contact us if you or any of your clients/residents/community/members need help through these difficult times:

Hart Builders seek to finish noisy building works ahead of schedule to limit community impact

Update as of 9/7/20: Crawford Builders have advised that piling works have now been completed, well ahead of schedule.


There has been lots of discussion within our community over the last two weeks as to what the source of the thudding noise being heard during the day in the Leith Links area is.

The source of the noise is pile driving works taking place in an area of housing development behind Leith Franklin Academicals Beige Cricket Club.

The works are being undertaken by Hart Builders and are expected to be completed in the third week of July, four weeks ahead of schedule.

Hart Builders are in regular contact with City of Edinburgh Council around the works, providing information around the works programme and noise meter records.

A spokesman for Hart Builders said today;

We (Hart Builders) fully appreciate that these works are very intrusive and frustrating but we at Hart are doing our utmost to complete these early to avoid any further inconvenience to the local community.





Community Councils Together on Trams: Minutes of meeting held on Thursday 28 May 2020

Leith Links Community Council is a member of ‘Community Councils Together on Trams’ alongside Leith Central Community CouncilLeith Harbour & Newhaven Community Council and New Town & Broughton Community Council. CCTT is the coalition of Community Councils who meet regularly to discuss, scrutinise and influence the intended continuation of the Edinburgh Tram system to Newhaven.

Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 28 May 2020 are copied below for our communities information.

Actions and decisions are in italic.

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Edinburgh Evening News reports Council have scrapped plans to make changes to Duke Street, Great Junction Street, Leith Walk & Easter Road

Since this post was made the Edinburgh Evening News have deleted their article on their website & social media, and City of Edinburgh Council have advised that the article was false.

To avoid confusion the article written on this website has been removed.

Later, a retraction & apology was issued by the Edinburgh Evening News.

City of Edinburgh give notice of planned changes to Great Junction Street, Duke Street, Leith Walk and Easter Road as part of Covid-19 response

As part of its response to the Covid-19 national health emergency City of Edinburgh Council has given notice of its intentions to make changes to a number of local streets.

Easter Road, Duke Street, Great Junction Street and the bottom of Leith Walk have all been included in plans made public by Council officers.

We have provided a copy of a letter seen by Leith Links Community Council, with a map below.

Comments should be submitted to the City of Edinburgh Council by 5pm on Friday 26 June 2020 by emailing However, please note that Council officers have made clear that they cannot provide individual responses. 

You may also wish to copy your responses to the three Leith Ward Councillors;



Pay and display parking charges return on Monday 22 June 2020 warns City of Edinburgh Council

Earlier today City of Edinburgh Council emailed Leith Links Community Council with a request that we share the below information relating to pay and display parking charges.

Like many Council services, pay and display parking charges were suspended as part of the Councils immediate response to the Covid-19 national health emergency however, as we proceed through the Scottish Governments Route Map the local authority has decided to reimpose pay and display parking charges from Monday 22 June 2020.

The email to us said;

Pay and Display Parking Charges

As you may know, in response to the global Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdown restrictions introduced by the government, pay and display parking charges were suspended in Edinburgh on Tuesday 24 March 2020.Unit Warden (Temporary Accommodation Service) - | City of ...

I’m writing to you to inform you that it is proposed to re-introduce pay and display parking charges on Monday 22 June 2020. From this date any vehicle parked incorrectly in a public, shared-use or residents’ parking place may be issued with a parking ticket.

Residents who hold a valid Residents’ Parking Permit were granted dispensation to park their vehicles in pay and display parking places located within their own zone, provided those bays are not subject to a suspension. I can confirm that this dispensation will continue to remain in place until further notice and we will be writing to residents to inform them in due course.

It would be most helpful if you could distribute this information through your networks to help inform members of the public who may be affected by these changes.

If you have any queries regarding this e-mail please visit our website at

City of Edinburgh Council responds to complaints of foul odour emissions in Leith Links area

Earlier this week we responded to the massive number of foul odour emissions complaints we were receiving, as of 7pm this evening we have received 188 such complaints.

On the 18th June Scottish Water responded by attributing odour complaints to another nearby site, and not making any mention of odours associated with Seafield.

Earlier today, a City of Edinburgh Council spokesman issued an email in relation to recent complaint/s. They correctly advise that Scottish Water did put our community on notice of a possible increase in foul odour emissions due to storm tank cleaning from 17th June, but this doesn’t account for smells of human sewage reported prior to that.

A Council spokesperson said;

Good afternoon,

Thank you for your recent report regarding odour in the Seafield area. An odour issue has been identified which is associated with activities at another business on Albert Road which is creating odours described as burning rubber, gaseous, or eggy. As this site has a Waste Management Licence, the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) are currently investigating.Unit Warden (Temporary Accommodation Service) - | City of ...

With regards to Seafield Waste Water Treatment Works; on Wednesday and Thursday this week the storm tanks were being cleaned out, which may have resulted in an increase in sewage type odours in the community..

We are continuing to work with Scottish Water and Veolia (the plant operators) to investigate further and implement mitigation measures to minimise odour.

Scottish Water have advised of the storm tank cleaning in a communication to local community groups and representatives. Their communications in relation to Seafield can be found at:

While also campaigning for long term solutions, it is vitally important that we keep reporting odour nuisance whenever it occurs, to demonstrate the scale of the problem and the impact on the local community.

Leith Links Community Council continues to encourage any member of our community who is negatively impacted by the release of foul odour emissions from the Seafield site to report such incidents via our website.

Our online reporting tool not only notifies Scottish Water, but simultaneously informs the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency, Veolia UK, Leith Links Community Council, City of Edinburgh Council (officers and Councillors Booth, Munro & McVey), the Scottish Governments Cabinet Secretary for the Environment and local MSP Ben MacPherson.


Scottish Water issue Seafield update following massive spike in odour complaints

All this week we have received a massive number of complaints of foul odour emissions in  the Leith area, believed to be from Seafield. Over 150 complaints have been recorded on our website and notified to Scottish Water, City of Edinburgh Council officers, Scottish Environmental Protection Agency, Veolia UK, Ben MacPhersons MSP, Roseanna Cunningham MSP and Councillors Booth, McVey & Munro for their attention & action.

A Scottish Water spokesperson has today published an update on Seafield.

Strangely, the public statement distances Seafield from the burning rubber / gas / sulphur type smell. Instead insisting that those odours are related to another (as yet unnamed) site in Leith, as confirmed by City of Edinburgh Council. However, at this stage the Community Council has not received any such confirmation of this from any body independent of Scottish Water / Veolia.

What’s even more strange is that the spokesman fails to address or even mention the foul odour of human sewage which has been sweeping across large swathes of our community.

A Scottish Water spokesperson said;

Following on from our community notification issued on Monday, we wanted to provide you with an update.Scottish Water logo

The storm tank cleaning that was scheduled for Wednesday 17th – 18th June was completed on schedule.

We are aware of a significant increase of odour complaints over the past few days, a number of which have detailed a burning rubber, sulphur and gas type smell.  As these type of odours do not necessarily correlate with the type of odour that is associated with wastewater treatment, we carried out an investigation of the whole site including the sludge processes and the surrounding area which identified a moderate to strong odour being generated at an industrial site near the docks, and is unrelated to Seafield wastewater operations.


This was confirmed by Environmental Health officials at City of Edinburgh Council and is currently being investigated by SEPA.


Looking ahead, there is some work required to the Intermediate Pumping Station. Any potential odours associated with this task have been assessed as low. This work will commence on Friday and should be completed same day. This is essential planned maintenance to limit the amount of grit that can pass through into the treatment process which can cause significant issues to site operations.

We will provide an update once this work is complete


I would be grateful if elected members and the Community Council could help and share this message on their Social Media channels.


Note: A copy of this communication will be posted on our website  –

Leith Links Community Council continues to encourage any member of our community who is negatively impacted by the release of foul odour emissions from the Seafield site to report such incidents via our website.

Our online reporting tool not only notifies Scottish Water, but simultaneously informs the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency, Veolia UK, Leith Links Community Council, City of Edinburgh Council (officers and Councillors Booth, Munro & McVey), the Scottish Governments Cabinet Secretary for the Environment and local MSP Ben MacPherson.

Massive spike in complaints amidst ongoing foul odour emissions from Seafield

As of lunchtime today, our Community Council has received 102 reports of foul odour emissions from Seafield this week, submitted by 92 members of our community.

We have now received 492 reports since our first one at 16:08 on 24 April 2019.

We felt it was really important to let you all know that Leith Links Community Councillor Chairman Jim Scanlon & fellow Community Councillor Eileen Simpson are following up these reports with the authorities with our usual vigour & determination.

Our community has received many apologies for the impact of foul odour emissions from Seafield. most recently on 3 June 2020. Despite, the numerous apologies over recent years foul odours have continued to negatively impact upon the quality of life for many of those in our community.

On 15 June 2020 Scottish Water put our community on notice that there could be an increase in foul odour emissions starting from 17 June 2020 (we blogged about it here) but actually, foul odours have massively increased since 15 June 2020.

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