Help City of Edinburgh Council decide which streets need adapted as part of its Covid-19 response

The City of Edinburgh Council, with support from Sustrans Scotland, is introducing temporary measures to protect public health and support physical distancing. These measures will make it easier and safer for people to get around our streets for essential journeys and exercise.

Using their online tool citizens can submit suggestions on their interactive map, and others can show their support for any suggestions. Of course, additional feedback can still be submitted to your local Councillors – Booth, McVey & Munro or by emailing Council officers at

There are a number of suggestions & feedback relating to the Leith Links Community Council area on the Councils website, an example of three such streets are;

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Community Councils Together on Trams: Minutes of meeting held on Thursday 30 April 2020

Leith Links Community Council is a member of ‘Community Councils Together on Trams’ alongside Leith Central Community CouncilLeith Harbour & Newhaven Community Council and New Town & Broughton Community Council. CCTT is the coalition of Community Councils who meet regularly to discuss, scrutinise and influence the intended continuation of the Edinburgh Tram system to Newhaven.

Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 30 April 2020 are copied below for our communities information.

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Places for Everyone shared off-road network/paths campaign in Edinburgh

The City of Edinburgh Council have made Leith Links Community Council aware of its new Places for Everyone campaign.

We have become aware of a few concerns raised by our community about difficulties being encouraged through inconsiderate use of shared spaces such as Leith Links and the Restalrig Railway Path hopefully, this new guidance will support our community to use shared spaces in a way which avoids conflict.

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City of Edinburgh Council review of the 2019 Edinburgh Community Councils elections

City of Edinburgh Council have shared with us a briefing note on their review of the Edinburgh Community Councils elections held in Autumn 2019.

Leith Links Community Council will discuss the briefing note at its next meeting on Monday 25 May 2010, from 18:30, on Zoom.




Housing Rights in Practice: Lessons learned from Leith

In 2015 the Scottish Human Rights Commission began working with a group of people who were living in poor housing conditions in Citadel Court, Persevere Court & West Cromwell Street. People were experiencing problems with damp, mould, ineffective or broken heating, pigeon, rodent and insect infestations, and maintenance issues.

Following on from this work the Commission has produced a report which it is now sharing with our community.

To download a copy of the report click here.






Great Junction Street, Easter Road and Shore being considered as locations for temporary pavement widening by City of Edinburgh Council due to Covid-19

The City of Edinburgh Council has published papers making known it is considering adapting Great Junction Street, Easter Road & Shore as part of its response to Covid-19.  The plans being considered would see a widening of pavements to allow more space for pedestrians to observe social distancing measures. The adaptations being considered follow on from the recent closure of Links Gardens.

Click here to view the thirty three page report.The information relating to Leith is on page 10.

The report will be considered by Councillors at the Councils Policy and Sustainability Committee on Thursday 14 May 2020 at 10am. Members of our community can watch the meeting live on the Council website, click here to view the broadcast on the day.

If any members of our community have views on the plans under consideration there is still time to let your local City of Edinburgh Councillors know.

You can make your opinion know by commenting on this post, we’ll let local Councillors know where to look to see your comments. Or, you can email any of the Councillors using their email addresses as listed here;

Leith Councillors (Great Junction Street, Shore & part of Easter Road):

Leith Walk Councillors (part of Easter Road)

Update 14/5/20: Please note that commenting on this post closed at 18:00 on 14/5/20 as the relevant City of Edinburgh Council meeting had concluded.

Trams to Newhaven newsletter | 7 May 2020

Click on the image to view the newsletter

City of Edinburgh Councils Trams to Newhaven team have published their latest community newsletter which provides a community update on the status of the Trams to Newhaven project in relation to the current Covid-19 national health emergency.

Interestingly, the Trams to Newhaven team are still advising the community that the project is ‘scheduled to be completed and carrying passengers by Spring 2023’ as of 7/5/20, despite the works shutdown.







Community views sought on streets in Leith Links area which should be considered for closure

On 29 April 2020 we let you know about the partial closure of Links Gardens as part of the City of Edinburgh Council response to the current Covid-19 national health crisis.

We would now invite you to suggest other streets in the Leith Links Community Council which should be considered for closure.

Please be aware that the Council need to take into account a wide range of factors when considering closing streets which means that not all suggestions will be able to be acted upon. Likely factors may be whether the street forms part of a bus route and access for emergency services.

Think about telling us why you are suggesting a particular street and how you feel that street being closed would benefit our community.


The area within the red line is the Leith Links Community Council area.

Leith Links Community Council will consider the feedback at our next meeting, due to be held on Monday 25 May 2020 at 18:30 on Zoom. Further details will be published on our website.

In the meantime we will make sure that our local Councillors know that they may visit our website to see some of our communities views.

Leith Links Community Council responds to City of Edinburgh Council City Plan 2030 consultation

Leith Links Community Council has submitted its response to the City of Edinburgh Councils City Plan 2030 consultation.

Click on the image to read the response document.

Community Councillors have been working for a number of weeks to understand & respond to the consultation as the product which arises from the Councils work developing City Plan 2030 will have a massive impact upon our communities future for generations to come in areas such as new homes, transport, education and green spaces.

The consultation ran online from 31 January to 30 April 2020 and included a series of drop in events throughout the city.  Originally due to close in March the deadline was extended by the local authority due to the Covid-19 national health crisis.

The Council website pages dedicated to City Plan 2030 includes a brief description of what the City Plan 2030 is;


Choices for City Plan 2030 in 200 words

Our next local development plan



Our city continues to grow. We must manage that growth and make sure everyone can share in our city’s success.


Our City Plan 2030 will set out the long-term vision for Edinburgh. It will set out locations for new homes and businesses, protect places of value, and make sure that essentials for a good quality of life – like public transport, schools and green space – are core to our city.


Scottish Government requires councils to produce a local development plan. The plan is used to guide decisions on planning applications.


We’re planning for a city that is a great place to live, where you don’t need to own a car to move around, where everyone lives in a home which they can afford and where everyone’s physical and mental wellbeing is supported.


We’re not starting from scratch – many of the policies in our existing local development plan are working well. The choices outlined for City Plan 2030 looks at key areas for change such as addressing climate change, building affordable housing, short-term lets and student accommodation. They will play a major part in helping us to meet our ambition for a carbon neutral city by 2030.


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