Leith Links Community Council Meeting, 26th August 6:30pm, Leith Community Centre

The next meeting of the Leith Links Community Council will be on Monday 26th August , at 6:30pm in the Leith Community Education Centre, New Kirkgate.

If you live in the area, you are warmly welcomed to attend.

This is also election year for Community Councils and we hope that you may be keen to join us. If you are available to volunteer in your spare time and have an interest in a wide range of local issues we would be pleased to hear from you. The Community Council election period starts on 9th September.


Leith Chooses 2019 seeks your views

Leith Links Community Council have been instrumental in delivering Leith Chooses (or Leith Decides as it was known) for a number of years, as a Community Council we are keen to support our community having a say in how local funds are spent.

This years Leith Chooses was once again a big success, once again building on the success of previous years. But, the Leith Chooses steering group are, as always, keen to get feedback & suggestions to help ensure that future events meet the communities expectations.

Please take a few minutes to complete their survey, whether you took part this year or not, they want to hear your views.

Click on the TAKE SURVEY picture to take part.



Scheme of Administration for Community Councils, review by City of Edinburgh Council – final phase

You will recall previous posts which detailed the review of the Scheme of Administration for Community Councils in Edinburgh.


Today, City of Edinburgh Council have launched another consultation on proposed changes to the scheme.



(The below text is copied from the City of Edinburgh Council website)


On 7 February 2019, the Council authorised the Review of the Scheme for Community Councils. Minor changes were made and approved for further consultation on 2 May 2019.

The Scheme, Constitution and Standing Orders set out the rules and regulations governing community councils including election procedures, meeting arrangements, membership, financial provisions and a code of conduct.

The review aims to improve and update the terms and provisions of the Community Council Scheme. A complaints procedure is also proposed for considering breaches of the code of conduct.

Your views are welcome on the draft Scheme and complaints procedure as contained within the Full Council report.

Your opinion matters

The consultation period runs until 3 June 2019.  You can send your comments by

Please include your name, address and postcode.  No personal details will be published.

Further information about community councils and the review is available at on the Council website

Leith Links Community Council Meeting, 29 April, 6:30pm, Leith Community Centre

The next meeting of the Leith Links Community Council will be on Monday 29th April , at 6:30pm in the Leith Community Education Centre, New Kirkgate.

If you live in the area, you are warmly welcomed to attend.

Please find the Agenda for the next meeting here Agenda29.4.19

and minutes of our March meeting  Monday 25 March 2019




Leith Links Community Workshop – Parklife project

Later this year the ParkLife project (a collaboration between City of Edinburgh Council and University of Edinburgh) is coming to Leith Links!

Everyone who uses or has an interest in Leith Links is welcome to attend this community workshop to find out more about the project & what it means for Leith Links. This is also an opportunity to feed into the work of the project moving forward.

The workshop is being held on Monday 1 April 2019 from 6pm in Leith Community Centrefollow this link to book your seat.

The ParkLife project is looking at how new uses of data and technology can help us understand how people use and value parks. The aim is to support the city and park partners to work together to improve parks to benefit everyone. The project includes the installation of a wifi enabled model which park users can engage with, should they wish to do so.

The workshop will give you an opportunity to share and develop your ideas about ways Leith Links can be improved and how technology might be able to help. During the workshop we will design several ‘prototypes’ that could be built and installed in Leith Links. These can be anything from a digital notice board that provides information about park activities to a system for timing yourself running a mile.

You don’t need to have prior understanding of technology in order to be able to join. You just need to be a person who cares about parks! Your views are important and will directly contribute to the project. Parks are diverse spaces and we would like to hear from as many people as possible.


Suggestions sought on possible new locations for Just Eat Cycles hire points

In 2018 the Edinburgh Cycle Hire Scheme (operated by Serco under contract to Transport for Edinburgh) introduced a hire point in Leith Links, sadly this had to be removed following serious damage.

Leith Links Community Council will be considering other suitable locations at our next meeting on Monday 25 March 2019 (18:30 in Leith Community Centre), with a view to submitting a request or requests, and is keen to hear your suggestions.

Below is a map of our area (the area within the red boundary line), if you can think of a suitable location please let us know and tell us why you think it would be suitable.

We’ll circulate a list of the suggestions in due course.

  • If you find an abandoned bike you can report to Serco by email, telephoning 0131 278 3000 or Twitter so that they can consider collecting it.


update 30/3/19: We have removed the suggestion form and considered the suggestions at our meeting on 25 March 2019, please view our minutes of this meeting when they are published on this website for further updates


Permission sought for Leith Links 5k

City of Edinburgh Council are considering an application to permit a Leith Links 5k to be held in Leith Links (organisers also plan to use the Restalrig Railway Path).

The request doesn’t contain a great amount of detail but is published here for your information, please be aware we have removed the name of the individual making the application.

If you have any views either in support or objection to the request, or just a general comment please let City of Edinburgh Council know;


Public consultation on fireworks

A public consultation on the use and regulation of fireworks in Scotland is now live, running until Monday 13th May.

The Scottish Government seeks views on how people use and enjoy fireworks, the impact they have on people and communities across Scotland, as well as their impact on animals. It also seeks views on the sale of fireworks to the general public, and ideas on what action can be taken to ensure fireworks continue to be enjoyed safely and responsibly.

While much of the current legislation on the sale of fireworks is reserved to Westminster the consultation will help to identify gaps, issues or unintended consequences with the current regulatory framework.

Alongside the consultation, there will be a series of engagement events to create opportunities for members of the public, alongside local partners, to deliberate on the key issues and discuss with others what could be done going forward. Details of events alongside access to the consultation on Citizen Space can be found via the following link https://consult.gov.scot/safer-communities/fireworks/

The consultation events that have been organised so far:

  1. Wednesday 13thFebruary, 6- 8 pm at Craigroyston Community High School, Edinburgh
  2. Monday 18thFebruary, 5 – 7 pm at Pollokshields Community Centre, Glasgow
  3. Thursday 28thFebruary, 1-3 pm and 5-7 pm at The Attic, Tolbooth, Stirling
  4. Tuesday 5thMarch, 2-4 pm at New Register House, Edinburgh
  5. Tuesday 19thMarch, 2-4 pm and 6-8 pm at Perth Leisure Pool, Perth
  6. Thursday 21stMarch, 2-4 pm at Spectrum Community Centre, Inverness
  7. Thursday 21stMarch, 6-8 pm at Jurys Inn, Inverness
  8. Monday 29thApril, 2-4 pm and 6-8 pm at Civic Rooms, Town Hall, Aberdeen

Events are also being planned in Elgin, Paisley, Dumfries and Galloway and the Islands.

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