Leith Links Community Council Meeting 27 July, 6:30

The next meeting of the Leith Links Community Council will be on Monday 27th July at 6:30pm, online, via Zoom.

The Agenda for the meeting and Minutes of the previous meeting are here and in our library.

This is an extra meeting (there is usually a ‘holiday’ in July) and will follow a different format from usual. Our aim is to allow as much time as possible for discussion of some internal organisational issues.

The meeting is nonetheless open to members of the public as usual. Any local resident who wishes to attend should email contact@leithlinkscc.org.uk and ask for a zoom link.

Planning – Restalrig Road office to housing

A planning application has been lodged to change the use of existing offices at 102 Restalrig Road to form 6 flats.
The offices have been empty for some time.

Drawings of what the planned refurbished (and slightly extended) building would look like.

To really get an idea of the planned 5 flats & 1 studio, you need to look at the ground floor and first floor floor plans.



If members of the local community wish to comment on the application, please leave a comment here below by 10 July 2020 (and we will forward it along with the Community Council’s own response), and / or see further details and comment directly on the City of Edinburgh Planning Portal Case number 20/0241/FUL by 13 July 2020.

Update – bus changes around Leith Links

Leith Links Community Council (supported by all of our local Councillors) is vigorously contesting the loss of bus services to the north side of Leith Links since we heard that the 12 is to be stopped and only partially replaced by the No 1.

So far, at our request, the Convener of the Transport Committee set up a meeting between City of Edinburgh Council Transport officials and Lothian Buses – at which Councillor Adam McVey was present, also someone from MSP Ben MacPherson’s office – to ‘go through the issues’. Currently Lothian Buses have been asked to find a solution and Council officials have been ‘tasked with helping to facilitate any changes necessary to help enable a change’.

We are hoping to hear soon about another meeting with news about possible solutions. We will keep you posted!

The current situation is that, as of 29th March, the 12 will not run beyond George Street. To partially replace the 12,  the No 1 will come down Easter Road as before and then continue along the Links and on to Seafield (old Eastern General site). But it will go from the foot of Easter Road along Vanburgh Place, Hermitage Park and Claremont Park, in other words along the south side of the Links. There will be no bus serving people who live on the North side of the Links, e.g Links Gardens, Links Place, Salamander Place/Street, Elbe Street, Mitchell Street, Queen Charlotte St. etc. and Constitution St (who have already lost the No. 16 bus).This means quite a long walk across the Links for many people, which may be a problem for anybody older  / with mobility impairments  / pushing a wheelchair or buggy / carrying heavy shopping etc. There could be safety issues, at night time.

However people beyond the lights at Restalrig Road (Claremont Park, Pirniefelds, Seafield) will be served by the No 1.

Going into town,there will be no access to Leith Walk or York Place, as the 1 goes to Princes Street via Easter Road and Leith Street. So some people may need to take 2 buses, which has financial implications as well as time/effort costs.

The 25 and the 21 will continue, so if you can access Restalrig Road, that might be a better route for you than the 1. The 21 route is unchanged apart from bus stop closure on Duke Street. The 25 is unchanged going into town (apart from some bus stop closures on Duke Street and Leith Walk). Coming down from town, the 25 will be rerouted down Easter Road instead of Leith Walk.

Please read the details on the Lothian Buses web site, for more details about proposed changes, routes, timetables etc.

Please continue to use the comments facility, below, to add your voice and tell us how you will be affected by changes to the bus services around our area. We will use your comments to continue to press the case for an acceptable solution.

Changes to bus routes – Leith Links is hit hard!

The tramworks that have already closed Constitution Street are soon to also affect Leith Walk, for the next 18 months. From 28th March, there will only be one lane on Leith Walk, for traffic going south (that is, going UP Leith Walk). Buses will still go up Leith Walk but those coming down will go down either Easter Road or Bonnington Road (No.10,11).

People who live beyond the bottom of Leith Walk  / Easter Road will be especially hard hit. We are told that the No.12 bus will terminate at George Street and stop coming down to Leith at all. This was the main bus serving Leith Links (and Salamander, the Pirniefields and Prospectbanks) and Seafield, and will be a major loss.

To partially replace the 12,  the No 1 will now come down Easter Road as before and continue  along the Links and on to Seafield (old Eastern General site). But there are two problems with this:

  1. The No. 1 will go from the foot of Easter Road along Vanburgh Place, Hermitage Park and Claremont Park, in other words along the south side of the Links. No buses will go along Duncan Place / Links Place as they have been doing recently. There will therefore be NO bus at all serving people who live on the North side of the Links, e.g Links Gardens, Links Place, Salamander Place/Street, Elbe Street, Mitchell Street, Queen Charlotte St. etc. and Constitution St (who have already lost the No. 16 bus).
  2. Although we have not yet managed to get sight of a finalised revised timetable, it seems likely (since there is now only one, not two) that the overall frequency of buses along the Links will be reduced, possibly by as much as 50%.

This means quite a long walk across the Links to get to a bus stop for many people, with a particular impact on anybody older  / with mobility impairments  / pushing a wheelchair or buggy / carrying heavy shopping etc. It could also significantly increase journey times. There could be safety issues, at night time.

Leith Links Community Council is very disturbed by this change. There was no consultation at all with the local community. The population on the north side of the Links is increasing hugely with all the new flats going up – people are told to use public transport, not cars (and few car parking spaces are provided) – but now the public transport is being removed!

We have signalled our concern to our three local Councillors and to Lothian Buses in the strongest terms. We will continue to campaign vigorously and will keep you posted with whatever replies we receive.

Please use the comments facility, below, to add you voice and tell us how these changes will affect you. These comments will, hopefully, strengthen the argument for this very damaging decision to be reviewed.

You can read more about the bus diversions overall here.

 But where is the 12? 


A happy ending for our exotic plants

Let’s start the week with some nice news! The exotic plants from the Easter Road/ Duke Street roundabout (now removed) have found a lovely home! They have all been taken and replanted by Edinburgh Zoo, and will enhance new animal enclosures.

“The flax are perfect for our wallaby walkthrough enclosure, and the cordyline will go into our redevelopment at Living Links, where we have capuchin monkeys and squirrel monkey”.


We (Leith Links Community Council and City of Edinburgh Council) were alerted to the plight of these plants by a local resident who hails originally from New Zealand and recognised the flax as a plant from his homeland. (He is happy to know it is now ‘back in Australasia’ with the wallabies.) We DID TRY to find the iconic plants a new home in Leith. Leith Primary School and Projekt 42 were both interested but had to step back, in the end, for various reasons. Thanks to all who helped!

Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) in Leith?

What do you feel about parking in your area? Many Leithers will have received a big leaflet through the door about the proposal to introduce controlled parking across a very wide area of Leith (basically from Abbeyhill to the docks). The Council is now seeking the views of residents, but unfortunately have only allowed a short period for this consultation – your views must be in by 10th November 2019.

This could make a HUGE difference to life in Leith – some will feel for the better, and some will oppose bitterly. It is important that everyone’s voice is heard. So PLEASE respond to this consultation. You can do so online at www.pclconsult.co.uk/edinburghcpz 

If you didn’t get a  leaflet, you can see it at www.edinburgh.gov.uk/parkingreview

There is a chance to go along and look at the plans and ask questions – do take this chance!

  • St. Paul’s Church, 1b Pilrig St, EH6 5AH on Thursday 31 Oct 2019, 4-7pm
  • North Leith Parish Church, 1a Madeira Pl, EH6 4AW on Tuesday 5 Nov 2019, 4-7pm
  • Fort Community Centre, 25 N Fort St, EH6 4HF on Wednesday 6 Nov, 11am-2pm

When you respond, remember that this is not just a ‘Yes / No kind of issue. You can give your view about particular streets or areas. You can express your opinions about different kinds of parking control. There is not just one kind: there is permit holder only; pay and display; mixed permit holder/pay and display(8:30-5:30). There is also Priority Parking Area (PPA) which may be more suitable for some areas. This stops all-day commuter parking by requiring a permit or paid ticket for a short period in the middle of the day, but not all day, read more here

Update – Duke St./Easter Rd. and Leith Links area road works

Hot off the press – the latest bulletin on the Duke Street / Easter Road roundabout and resurfacing works in the area, from the Council’s Transport Design and Delivery team. (aka If you were thinking of driving anywhere around Leith Links in the next few weeks, perhaps you’d better think again……)

Scottish Power attended site last Friday (18th Oct) to disconnect the lighting column and we are removing the roundabout today (21st Oct).

This week we also have Siemens on site to start installing the new traffic signal equipment and we will also use this week to complete all outstanding kerbing works for the junction.

Next week we will hopefully complete the footway works, start to install the new lighting columns and resurface the junction over the course of a few night (dates below). We will also need to remove the old PUFFIN crossings and create the lay-by at Vanburgh Place for the bus stop but this cannot be started until the new traffic signals are operational.

So between this week and next week we will be mostly complete bar some minor works and snagging. Hopefully after 3 weeks we are completely finished and off site.

Please be aware that we also have a lot of other resurfacing work ongoing at the moment. Please find below a provisional programme of those works

  • East Hermitage / Restalrig Rd junction   25-28 Oct (Links Gardens Closure with 3 way TTL’s)
  • Links Place  29-30 Oct   (Straight closure. Diversion via Constitution Street, Duke Street)
  • Easter Rd Roundabout  31 Oct-4 Nov (Close Duke St eastbound at Duncan Place and 3 way TTL’s. same closure and diversion as this week)
  • Academy Street  5-6 Nov  (Also close Duke Street eastbound between Leith Walk and Academy Street to assist. Diversion via Constitution >> Queen Charlotte >> Duncan Place or Gordon Street

(Programme subject to change as a result of wet weather)

from: Steven Blacklaw ¦ Engineer – Transport Design & Delivery

Place ¦ Planning & Transport ¦ The City of Edinburgh Council

G4, Waverley Court, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh EH8 8BG

Tel 0131 529 3252  steven.blacklaw@edinburgh.gov.uk



Leith Proposal: What’s good what’s bad and what need to change?

Click on the image to book your free ticket.

This is one of a series of events developed in a partnership between Leith Creative and the three Leith Community Councils, this one is held in partnership with Leith Links Community Council and therefore focuses on the Leith Links area.

While the planning system can be complex and confusing, it is also vital to how Leith will develop and its future. This is an opportunity to meet with members of your Community Council alongside neighbours and colleagues to explore, identify and prioritise some of the key issues affecting the area.

Have your say at this community master-planning and design workshop.

The area within the red line is the Leith Links Community Council area. 

Click on the picture for more information.

Leith Links Community Council Meeting, 30th September 6:30pm, Leith Community Centre

The next meeting of the Leith Links Community Council will be on Monday 30th September , at 6:30pm in the Leith Community Education Centre, New Kirkgate.

If you live in the area, you are warmly welcomed to attend.

This is also election year for Community Councils and we hope that you may be keen to join us. If you are available to volunteer in your spare time and have an interest in a wide range of local issues we would be pleased to hear from you. The Community Council election period starts on 9th September and closes on 30th September.
AUGUST MINUTES Monday 26 August 2019
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