Annual Review of Major Events in Parks 2018/19 and Consultation on Future Events

Leith Links is an valued greenspace within the Leith community. The land is managed by City of Edinburgh Council who from time to time consider applications by businesses, community groups & third sector organisations to hold major events on the greenspace.

The City of Edinburgh Council is looking to gather your views around specific major efforts in greenspaces across the City including Leith Links. They are also asking your views in relation to adding Leith Links to a list of greenspaces where the Council promote & adverse a greenspace as a location for commercial activities.

It is important that our community take the time to complete the consultation in order that the Council can get as many views, questions & suggestions in relation to Leith Links so that they can find a way forward to appropriately managed Leith Links.


Gung Ho! event planned for Leith Links in 2020

City of Edinburgh Council are considering an application to hold the 2020 ‘Gung Ho!’ event on Leith Links.

Leith Links Community Council will, as always, include a copy of our policy on events held on Leith Links.

Unfortunately, the Council provides a very short window to consider & respond to applications, with the Community Council response to be submitted by 11 November 2019.

Leith Links Community Council would ask our community to submit their views, concerns and / or suggestions in relation to this current application to us by midnight on Wednesday 6 November 2019, this will allow us to take them into account & include them in our formal response to the application. To submit your views, concerns and / or suggestions please use the form at the end of this post.

To keep up to date with progress of the application subscribe to our website as we will post updates as & when we receive them.

*Please note that we have published all the information that has been made available to us.

*Please note that your responses will be sent to City of Edinburgh Council Parks & Greenspaces Service, and Councillors Adam McVey, Chas Booth & Gordon Munro, as well as being published on this website (with the exception of your post code & email address).

Suggested 5k route.


Update as of 7/11/19: Web form deactivated as deadline for submitting responses to us has expired.


Leith Links event application: Lady Boys of Bangkok / La Clique Cabaret (August & September 2020)

City of Edinburgh Council have made us known that they are considering an application by The Lady Boys of Bangkok / La Clique Cabaret to occupy an area of Leith Links for the purposes of performances (including setting up & taking down time) from 2 August – 2 September 2020.

This follows on from an application submitted in 2018 for The Lady Boys of Bangkok to occupy part of Leith Links during 2019.  View an earlier posting on our website here about the application at that time, and our response at that time.

As this is a large scale event, both in terms of attendees (estimated at 500 per day) and in terms of length of occupation of Leith Links, we are encouraging all members of our community to take part in the application consideration process.

Our community is encouraged to express their views, ask any questions and provide any suggestions by 11 October 2019, in order that the City of Edinburgh Council can take them into consideration when deciding whether to grant the application or not.

The City of Edinburgh Councils local Parks Officer has already made know their comment/s & fed them into the application consideration process – “this site could accommodate the event and still have areas for the locals”.

At Leith Links Community Council we have a policy on requests relating to events on Leith Links, which can be viewed here.

The web form at the bottom of this post will be automatically sent to:

  • Councillor Gordon Munro (Leith Ward)
  • Councillor Chas Booth (Leith Ward)
  • Councillor Adam McVey (Leith Ward)
  • Councillor Lesley MacInnes (Convener, Transport & Environment Committee)
  • Councillor Karen Doran (Vice Convener, Transport & Environment Committee)
  • Councillor Donald Wilson (Convener, Culture & Communities Committee)
  • Councillor Amy McNeese-Mechan (Vice Convener, Culture & Communities Committee)
  • Leith Links Community Council
  • City of Edinburgh Council (Parks, Greenspaces and Cemeteries service)


Update (08:15 on 29/9/19)

As of 08:15 on 29/9/19, a total of fifty responses to the consultation have been submitted:

  • Strongly support – 21 (8 responses with comments, questions, suggestions etc)
  • Support – 3 (3 responses with comments, questions, suggestions etc)
  • Neutral – 2 (2 responses with comments, questions, suggestions etc)
  • Object – 2 (2 responses with comments, questions, suggestions etc)
  • Strongly object – 21 (21 responses with comments, questions, suggestions etc)
  • Undecided 1 (0 responses with comments, questions, suggestions etc)

Update (21:45 on 1/10/19)

At our meeting on 30/9/19, we have decided to remove the function whereby the completed web forms automatically send to City of Edinburgh Council officers & Councillors, instead, from this point we will collate all responses into a spreadsheet which we will forward to them at the end of the consultation.  This is to avoid their email inboxes being flooded.



Consultation response form

Please note that this is a consultation, not a petition or a vote.  You may wish to provide comments, questions & suggestions that those deciding on the application can consider, rather than simply stating whether you object or support the application.

Please select a valid form.

Leith Links Community Council Meeting, 30th September 6:30pm, Leith Community Centre

The next meeting of the Leith Links Community Council will be on Monday 30th September , at 6:30pm in the Leith Community Education Centre, New Kirkgate.

If you live in the area, you are warmly welcomed to attend.

This is also election year for Community Councils and we hope that you may be keen to join us. If you are available to volunteer in your spare time and have an interest in a wide range of local issues we would be pleased to hear from you. The Community Council election period starts on 9th September and closes on 30th September.
AUGUST MINUTES Monday 26 August 2019

Leith Links Community Council Meeting, 26th August 6:30pm, Leith Community Centre

The next meeting of the Leith Links Community Council will be on Monday 26th August , at 6:30pm in the Leith Community Education Centre, New Kirkgate.

If you live in the area, you are warmly welcomed to attend.

This is also election year for Community Councils and we hope that you may be keen to join us. If you are available to volunteer in your spare time and have an interest in a wide range of local issues we would be pleased to hear from you. The Community Council election period starts on 9th September.


Proposed Carriageway Resurfacing Works – Duncan Place and Great Junction Street

The carriageways on Duncan Place & Great Junction Street (between Cables Wynd and Pirrie Street) will be resurfaced during August in advance of the work to extend the tram line.  The resurfacing work will commence on both streets on Monday 12th August with Duncan Place resurfacing to last for 2-3 days while Great Junction Street will take slightly longer at 5-6 days.

Duncan Place will be fully closed to vehicles for the resurfacing work (access available for residents parking) while a one-way system will be set up for the work on Great Junction Street using Cables Wynd and Henderson Street.

There will also be some minor footway works next week (in advance of the resurfacing work) on Duncan Place to reinstate a footway buildout for the school crossing patrol officer, unblock and clean out the drainage, renew some old pedestrian guardrail and remove any redundant street furniture.

Click on the picture for more information.


Leith Links Play Park Upgrade Update

Leith Links CC received the latest update from the city council on the new play park equipment

I’d just like to give you a brief update on the Leith Links Play Park upgrade.  If you’ve passed by recently you’ll have seen that works are progressing well with new equipment installed, surfacing work beginning and play sand in place.  The overall programme is nearing completion with the site to receive a wet surface pour this week. Completion will see some tar work to seal the surface and the installation of a new gate.

I hope that you’ll agree that the park is looking really exciting with local kids keen to get in and start playing. Edinburgh Lothians and Greenspace Trust who will be confirming the completion date and assisting us to organise a launch event at the play park as soon as possible. We’ll ensure that we keep you updated as the plans for this event progress.

Great news

John Rattray statue landscaping blooming lovely!

Recently some landscaping works have taken place in Leith Links in preparation for the arrival of a bronze statue of John Rattray. The area around the statue has been landscaped in the style of dunes which once covered the site.

Regular updates as to the progress of the Rattray statue, and the associated works are provided on the Leith Rules Golf Society website (click here). With information relating to the life of John Rattray available on Wikipedia (click here).









Click on the picture for further information

Leith Links Community Council Meeting, 24th June 6:30pm, Leith Community Centre

The next meeting of the Leith Links Community Council will be on Monday 24th June , at 6:30pm in the Leith Community Education Centre, New Kirkgate.

If you live in the area, you are warmly welcomed to attend.

This is also election year for Community Councils and we hope that you may be keen to join us. If you are available to volunteer in your spare time and have an interest in a wide range of local issues we would be pleased to hear from you.

Agenda and minutes of last meeting below

LLCC AgendaV2 June 2019


LLCC MINUTES Draft May AGM 2019 (1)-converted

Click on the picture for more information.

Leith Links Community Council AGM, 27 May, 6:30pm, Leith Community Centre

The next meeting of the Leith Links Community Council will be on Monday, 27th May 2019, at 6:30pm in the Leith Community Education Centre, New Kirkgate.

This meeting will be the AGM of the CC followed by any urgent business.

If you live in the area, you are warmly welcomed to attend.

Agenda for 27 May 2019

Draft Minutes AGM 28 May 2018

Draft Minutes Monday 29 April 2019


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