Volunteer Edinburgh new HQ on Leith Walk

Volunteer Edinburgh unveils new HQ on Leith Walk

New premises to be opened by Edinburgh Lord Provost

The new headquarters for Volunteer Edinburgh will be officially opened by Edinburgh’s Lord Provost, Donald Wilson, with a ribbon-cutting to take place outside the building at 222 Leith Walk at 12.30pm on Tuesday 17 November 2015.

 Volunteer Edinburgh helps people find volunteering opportunities, and also finds volunteers for organisations that need them.  With one-in-four people in Edinburgh regularly volunteering, the organisation’s mission is to inspire even more people to get active and become involved in their communities, enhancing their lives, and the lives of others.

 In the last year, more than 65,000 visitors browsed volunteering opportunities on the organisation’s website, using a fully searchable database. More information about the organisation, including its 45-year history in the city, is available on its website at: www.volunteeredinburgh.org.uk.  

 222 Leith Walk has been a prominent landmark building on Leith Walk for more than 150 years. It has been a Victorian upholsterers and cabinetmakers, an Edwardian auction house, a billiards saloon and a pub. In 2001, it received an all-new façade and traded as an upmarket lighting shop for a number of years. The building was empty before Volunteer Edinburgh took it over. It has now undergone a major internal refit to make it a functional and welcoming place for people to come and find out about volunteering. In acquiring the building, Volunteer Edinburgh has not only established a great base from which to operate into the future, but it has secured this highly recognisable and much-loved building for the foreseeable future.


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