Where have all the putting greens gone?

Last month I was contacted by a local resident regarding the lack of putting facilities in North Edinburgh Parks.Putting greens have disappeared from Victoria Park and Powderhall. At the time I was happy to report that the putting green at the home of golf was still in position on one of the unused bowling greens. It could be better but a least it’s there or rather was there.

Edinburgh Leisure did have a sign up advertising open times on the door of the old changing rooms which has now been removed and no mention of putting is on their webpage. Here’s a reminder for Edinburgh Leisure of what it did say:

Putting at Leith Links
All age family fun  
Mon-Fri 4pm-9pm
Sat – Sun 10-4pm
Cost- adults £1.50 Children £1.00 equipment provided 
Develop spacial awareness and hand, eye coordination. Essential skill for existing and future golfers! Bowling and tennis also available at Leith Links
It may seem trivial but why remove it when they have to employ somebody to be there for the bowling and tennis so it can’t be down to cost savings. I suspect the main reason is they can’t be bothered.
In good weather the putting has been well used by local office workers and residents so Edinburgh Leisure lets have it back please.
We keep talking about making Leith Links a premier park but it’s still a poor relation to the city centre.
Another example of you’ll have had your tea Leith.

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